About 11 weeks ago (I know this because I checked Instagram), Chandra tagged me to do this. I forgot, then remembered, then forgot again. This pattern repeated about five or six times. So, this week after a few days of feeling too uninspired to blog, I remembered again and decided I would use it as an opportunity for you – my lovely readers – to learn a little more about me. I learned a lot about myself as well. Here goes:
1. My favorite drink is water.
2. I like to iron, but it takes me weeks to gear up to actually do it.
3. I feel awkward when people help me with stuff.
4. I'm convinced that I kiss my son hundreds of times a day.
5. Sometimes I belly dance in the bathroom mirror. I mean, who doesn't?
6. I got straight A's all throughout middle and high school, except for that one "B+" in Spanish 3 Honors when I was in the 10th grade.
7. I'm in a borderline abusive relationship with food, but I love it too much to break up.
8. I really enjoy reading, but rarely make the time for it. Any book suggestions?
9. I don't think I'm photogenic, and, as such, I'm the worst at selfies.
10. I like to shop alone... Actually, I like to do most things alone.
11. I have three brothers. No sisters.
12. Lately, I prefer lifestyle blogs over fashion blogs. I would have a lifestyle blog if I was confident that I wouldn't bore you to tears.
13. My favorite sitcom of all time is The Cosby Show.
14. I collect random facts in my mind, so when I came across @UberFacts on Twitter, I was like, "Hey, somebody gets me."
15. I prefer online shopping over shopping in-store, but I hate the waiting part. So, I usually check the store before I actually purchase online.
16. No matter how much I love a particular perfume scent, when it runs out I almost never replace it with the same one.
17. I'm not afraid of needles/injections. (I figure that is rare and random enough to share.)
18. I'm a horrible singer... but I can imitate singers pretty well.
19. I call bloggers whose material I read often my "blogger friends."
20. I surprised myself by thinking of 20 random facts about me.
I'd love to get to know you better as well. Tell me something random about yourself in a comment below or shoot me an email.